1. Exchange Queue & A: CAS Arrays - Server Roles, Client Creation, Load Balancing and More 2. Configuring NLB for Exchange 2010 CAS Load Balancing 3. Unable to connect to Windows Server 2008 NLB Virtual IP Address from hosts in different subnets when NLB is in Multicast Mode 4. Building NLB Exchange 2010 RTM CAS / HT Servers (Hyper-V) – Part 1 (***) 5. 網路負載平衡 (NLB):單點傳播 (Unicast) 與 多點傳送 (Multicast) 的差異 6. 安裝手冊範本 - Client Access Server (Windows Server 2008) 7. Uncovering the new RPC Client Access Service in Exchange 2010 (Part 3) 8. Unicast or Multicast Mode? 9. Quick Tip: Configuring Network Load Balancing (NLB) on Windows 2008 for Exchange CAS Servers… 10. 分享exchange 2007系列之四:Windows 2008 & Exchange CAS NLB 11. Windows Server 2008怎麼設定網路負載(Network LoadBalance) 1. ServerManagerCmd -i NLB 2. Internal CAS array name: BQT-CASArray.MSFT.corp.com CAS server: BQT-CAS01.MSFT.corp.com...