
Showing posts from September 6, 2009

Ticket: Exchange 2007 Disable TLS between HUB (Part 2)

Disable TLS (原討論) Reply: I would like to disable TLS, as I would like to disable the encryption between Hub Transport server for some reason. 1. What is the best approach if I have three Hub Transport servers? Mailbox Server A using Hub Transport Server A Mailbox Server B using Hub Transport Server B Mailbox Server C using Hub Transport Server C 1. Disable Opportunistic TLS on your Receive Connectors.  Your Receive Connectors don't "require" TLS either way as -RequireTLS is set to $false.  Opportunistic TLS just attempts TLS first and if TLS is not possible, it accepts the mail anyways. 2. Do have have to disable both "Send Connector" and "Receive Connector" on all Hub Transport servers? 2. No, just Receive Connector due to what I said in #1 . 3. What about Mailbox Servers, do I have to disable it on all Mailbox servers as well? 3. No, all my flows through Hub Transports and gets delivered right to th...

LAB: Exchange 2007 如何變更 Exchange 稽核記錄等級 (Exchange Auditing on Server 2008) – 2

How to Configure Directory Service Access Auditing and Policy Change Auditing on Windows Server 2008 續 LAB: Exchange 2007 如何變更 Exchange 稽核記錄等級 (Exchange Auditing) – 1 1. Serve 2008 上的Exchange Auditing 2. Auditpol /get /category: * (檢視稽核原則) 3. Windows PowerShell [PS]: Auditpol /get /category:"Ppolicy Change" (確認 "Audit Policy Change" 啟用) 4. [PS]: Auditpol /get /category:”DS Access” 6. [PS]: Auditpol /set /subcategory:”Directory Service Chagnes” /Success:enable /Failure:enable   7. 8. Blog 相關文章 1.  Ref: 瞭解 Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 2 中的 Mailbox Access Auditing 2.  LAB: Exchange 2007 如何變更 Exchange 稽核記錄等級 (Exchange Auditing) – 1   More Information 1. Service Pack 2 Highlight: Mailbox Access Auditing 2. White Paper: Configuration and Mailbox Access Auditing for Exchange 2007 Organizations 3. Understanding Mailbox Access Audit...

LAB: Exchange 2007 如何變更 Exchange 稽核記錄等級 (Exchange Auditing) – 1

請先閱讀 Ref: 瞭解 Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 2 中的 Mailbox Access Auditing 1. 使用 Exchange 管理主控台來設定記錄等級 0、1、3 或 5 訊息存取 資料夾存取 延伸以下列傳送 延伸傳送代理者 2. 開啟Server Configuration – Mailbox 3. 設定診斷記錄 4. 設定記錄項目及等級 5. 啟用郵件及資料夾存取 6. 設定完成 7. 重啟IS Service 8. Exchange Auditing 9. 無法開啟 10. TBC….. More Information 1. Service Pack 2 Highlight: Mailbox Access Auditing 2. White Paper: Configuration and Mailbox Access Auditing for Exchange 2007 Organizations 3. Understanding Mailbox Access Auditing with Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 2