
Showing posts from January 27, 2013

E14 RBAC: Add MessageTracking Role to child domain

    Message Tracking Role Although we’ve assigned “Message Tracking” role on “BQC Recipient Root” but it seems not work when tracking message on local hub servers. Now try to assign “Message Tracking” role on local site server scope. Get-ManagementRole “Message Tracking” [PS] C:\>New-ManagementRoleAssignment -SecurityGroup "BQC E14 Copy of Server Management @BQC_E14_Servers" -Role "Message Tracking"   [PS] C:\>Get-MessageTrackingLog -ResultSize Unlimited -Start "1/31/2013 01:00AM" -Sender "" -Recipients "" | ft ClientIP, ClientHostName, ConnectorID, ServerHostName,RecipientStatus

E14 LAB: RBAC – Remove-ManagementRoleAssignment

  [PS] C:\>Get-ManagementRoleAssignment -Identity "Send*" | ft Name [PS] C:\>Get-ManagementRoleAssignment "Send Connectors-BQC E14 Copy of Server Management @BQC_E14_Serve" | Remove-ManagementRoleAssignment –Confirm

E14 Ticket: RBAC for Customize Role for Send Connector

    Create a role from parent role [PS] C:\>New-ManagementRole -Name "BQC-Send Connectors" -Parent "Send Connectors" Name RoleType ---- -------- BQC-Send Connectors SendConnectors [PS] C:\>Get-ManagementRole "BQC-Send Connectors" | fl   RunspaceId : c28c8c78-5d9b-4140-9d8e-7983a2c3e5cf RoleEntries : {(Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010) Get-DomainController -Credential -Debug -DomainName -ErrorAction -ErrorVariable -Forest -GlobalCatalog -OutBuffer -OutVariable - Verbose -WarningAction -WarningVariable, (Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010) Get-ExchangeServer -Debug -Domain -DomainController -ErrorAction -ErrorVariable -Identit y -OutBuffer -OutVariable -Status -Verbose -WarningAction -WarningVariable, (Microsoft.Ex ...

E14 Ticket: RBAC - Add role for Create connector at child domain - V1

  Version 1 New-SendConnector is not present in the role definition of the current user. About Send-Connector role is   The Send Connectors management role enables administrators to manage transport Send connectors in an organization. Find Send Connectors Role [PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-ManagementRole | Sort-Object Name | ft Name [PS] C:\Windows\system32> Get-ManagementRole -Identity "Send Connectors" | fl RunspaceId                  : 388383d1-ae70-4f8d-8c00-c07f31dc1594 RoleEntries                 : {(Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010) Set-SendConnector -AddressSpaces...