
Showing posts from October 4, 2009

LAB: E14 upgrading Part 1 – Prepare Server

  1. 安裝Windows PowerShell V2   2. 一樣進行安裝check 3.   Ldifde (ServerManagerCmd -i RSAT-ADDS) If you are deploying a new Exchange organization, and you are preparing your Active Directory schema and domains by using a computer running Windows Server 2008, you must first install the Active Directory management tools on the Windows Server 2008 computer prior to preparing the schema or domains. To do this, run the following command. ServerManagerCmd -i RSAT-ADDS 關掉UAC then restart then ServerManagerCmd -i RSAT-ADDS then restart Blog Extended Reading More Information & Reference

Skill: 透過Windows Search - Search Public Folder on Outlook Client

  1. Outlook 2003 & 2007, 甚至是Outlook 2010, 欲search public folder 一次只能搜尋一個公用資料夾, 無法連同subfolder 一起搜尋 這應該是by designed 的限制 2. 看到一個做法 加入我的最愛公用資料夾 & Windows Desktop Search 將常用的公用資料夾加入 我的最愛 3. 且必須連subfolder 一起加入 4. 接著設定Public Folder Properties  5. Advanced 設定進去  6. 啟用Cache Mode (Cache Mode 要考量是否啟用, 只支援Outlook 2003 & later)     啟用 Download Public FolderFavorities 7. 安裝及啟用 Windows Desktop Search (需考量是否啟用此功能) 一般Client 是XP SP2 later 才可安裝使用 a. 下載及安裝  KB940157:適用於 Windows XP 的 Windows Search 4.0   參考 Windows 桌面搜尋 - 提供企業使用 Windows 桌面搜尋的常見問題集 b. 下載及安裝 MSN® 搜尋工具列 8. 安裝完後會重開機, Outlook 設定也跟著重開機生效 9. 重開後, 開啟outlook, 確定剛設定的我的最愛資料夾同步狀況 10. 切換到 Synchronization 11. 同步已完成(若Public Folder 有異動, 則會於Outlook傳送接收時同步Server & Offline Folder) 12. 我的最愛公用資料夾異動的也會同步回Server 13. 建立Index, 右下角的icon 按右鍵進行Index Now 14. Index 建立視電腦狀況可...

MS MVP: E14 Training

  與您分享Exchange Server 2010技術資源!歡迎您將此資訊轉貼至部落格分享給您的社群知道,謝謝。 更多活動資訊請您參考以下: Get a head start and become the go-to messaging person within your organization. Microsoft Learning has developed some great, free resources on Exchange Server 2010, including Silverlight Learning Snacks on Unified Messaging, High Availability and Storage, eLearning Clinics highlighting the new features in Exchange 2010, and finally, a PrePress preview of the upcoming MS Press Administrator's Companion Book. Additionally, check back here later this month for discounts on new Exchange 2010 Certification Exams. Here are the links to all of this free content: Free Silverlight Learning Snacks: - Unified Messaging in Exchange 2010 - High Availability and Storage in Exchange 2010 Free PrePress Chapter Downloads: - Free Chapters from Exchange 2010 Administrator’s Pocket Consultant o Chapter 1: Exchange Server Administration Overview AND Chapter 6: Mailbox Administration Free eLearning Clin...

MS MVP History: TechEd Online 畫面真有設計感

    Blog Extended Reading More Information & Reference  

Script: Server 2003 匯出群組成員的user account 資訊至文字檔

指定群組後, 直接查詢群組成員, 並匯出指定的欄位資訊 On ERROR RESUME NEXT Const ADS_Property_Update = 2 Const ADS_SCOPE_SUBTREE = 2 Const ForAppending = 2 y=Year(Now) m=Month(Now) d=Day(Now) s=Second(Now) If (m<10) Then     m="0" & m End If If (d<10) Then     d="0" & d End If sDate = Y & M & D '================================= Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile _     ("c:\Batch\"&sDate&"-Export_GAL.txt", ForAppending, True) objTextFile.WriteLine "This Log Created at: " & Now()& vbCrLf objTextFile.WriteLine Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") objConnection.Open "Provider=ADsDSOObject;" Set objCommand = CreateObject("ADODB.Command") ob...