
Showing posts from April 7, 2013

LAB: E15 Setup – Part 1– PrepareAD & Domain

Image On Server 2008 R2 – Root DC Setup /PrepareSchema Active Directory preparation The computer you want to use to prepare Active Directory for Exchange 2013 has specific prerequisites that must be met. Install the following software on the computer that will be used to prepare Active Directory: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 Windows Management Framework 3.0 Note: .NET Framework 4.5 and Windows Management Framework 3.0 are included with Windows Server 2012 and don't need to be installed separately. After you've installed the software listed above, complete the following steps to install the Remote Tools Administration Pack. After you've installed the Remote Tools Administration Pack you'll be able to use the computer to prepare Active Directory. For more information about preparing A...

LAB: Server 2012 RRAS & HyperV Network

  A special thanks to Aska Su   Two Internal vLan, one for another for One NIC to Internet assign to 192.168.1.x Then two NICs will be generated on host server Add two virtual networks to RRAS on RRAS server Guest OS specific default gateway to vLan

LAB: Server 2012 RRAS on Windows 8 Hyper-V - Part 2

Image   Create vLAN from HyperV network Configure RRAS    

LAB: Server 2012 RRAS on Windows 8 Hyper-V - Part 1

    LAB: Use server 2012 RRAS on Windows 8 Hyper-V – Part 1 Configuring Hyper-V for multiple subnets with only one NIC| Configure RAAS