
Showing posts from August 22, 2010

Ref: Exchange 2010 set-RpcClientAccessServer

    “RPCClinetAccessServer “ not “RPCClientAccess” Get-RpcClientAccess but no Get-RpcClientAccserver Where to find “RPCClientAccessServer” ? Get-MailboxDatabase | ft name, RpcClientAccessServer Get-MailboxDatabase | ft identity,Server, RpcClientAccessServer Set-MailboxDatabase -Identity "DataBase Identity" –RpcClientAccessServer “CAS Server FQDN” Current outlook profile is set to CAS Array: But when change RPCClientAccessServer, outlook profile will not automatic update new server. I need to create new profile will get new RPCClientAccessServer.

Ticket: Exchange 2010 on server 2008 - Event ID 10009 — COM Remote Service Availability

  網路負載平衡 (NLB):單點傳播 (Unicast) 與 多點傳送 (Multicast) 的差異   on node1 BQT-CAS01 NLB monitoring status on Node1 BQT-CAS01 ping testing but on Node2 BQT-CAS02 NLB manager seems fine on Node2 BQT-CAS02 ping testing   Event ID 10009 — COM Remote Service Availability Check the firewall settings and enable the firewall exception rule To check the firewall settings and enable the firewall exception rule: Click Start , and then click Run . Type wf.msc , and then click OK . If the User Account Control dialog box appears, confirm that the action it displays is what you want, and then click Continue . In the console tree, click Inbound rules . In the list of firewall exception rules, look for COM+ Network Access (DCOM In) . If the firewall exception rule is not enabled, in the details pane click Enable rule , and then scroll horizontally to confirm that the protocol is TCP and the LocalPort is 135 . Close Win...

REF: Exchange 2010 Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory

      [PS] C:\Users\Exchadm\Desktop> Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory -Server bqt-cas01 | fl RunspaceId                    : 3030d5fc-c28d-49f0-bb8c-447a0d92492b CertificateAuthentication     : InternalNLBBypassUrl          : GzipLevel                     : High Name                          : EWS (Default Web Site) InternalAuthenticationMethods : {Ntlm, WindowsIntegrated, WSSecurity} ExternalAuthenticationMethods : {Ntlm, WindowsIntegrated, WSSecurity} LiveIdSpNegoAuthentication    : False WSS...

REF: Exchange 2010 upgrade custom address list

  在收件者命令中建立篩選器 Exchange 2007 SP1 與 SP2 中 -RecipientFilter 參數可篩選的內容   -RecipientFilter 參數的許多屬性會接受萬用字元。如果您使用萬用字元,請使用 -like 運算子,而不要使用 -eq 運算子。 -like 運算子是用來尋找符合各種類型 (例如字串) 的模式比對,而 -eq 運算子則是用來尋找完全的相符。 其他 OPATH 語法資訊 若要建立自己的自訂篩選,請注意下列事項: 使用大括號 { } 括住具有 Filter 或 RecipientFilter 參數的整個 OPATH 語法字串。 在所有的運算子之前加上連字號。以下為最常見的運算: -and -or -not -eq (等於) -ne (不等於) -lt (小於) -gt (大於) -like (字串比較) -notlike (字串比較) RecipientFilter 及 Filter 參數的許多內容都接受萬用字元。如果您使用萬用字元,請使用 like 運算子,而非 eq 運算子。 like 運算子是用來尋找符合各種類型 (例如字串) 的模式比對,而 eq 運算子則是用來尋找完全相符的項目。  

Exchange 2010 wildcard CertPrincipal Name & msstd

    Set-OutlookProvider expr -CertPrincipalName "" Set-OutlookProvider expr -CertPrincipalName "msstd:*"