
Showing posts from October 30, 2011

E14 PowerShell - Bulk Modify AD Attributes via Import CSV – Part1

Image 1. Export CSV from Source Domain C:\Batch> csvde -f c:\Batch\aliax.csv -d OU=BI40,OU=System_Accounts,OU=TestLaber,DC=TestLab,DC=corp,DC=com -r (mailnickname=*) -l mailnickname,proxyaddresses,sAMAAccountname -p subtree C:\Batch> csvde -f c:\Batch\aliax.csv -d OU=BI40,OU=System_Accounts,OU=TestLaber,DC=TestLab,DC=corp,DC=com -r (mailnickname=*) -p subtree   2. Modify CSV for Import   3. Read MailNickName and import to PhysicalOfficeLocation before MailEnable 3.1 Get-User –Filter [PS] C:\>Get-User -Filter {samaccountname -eq "FlowerOnline"} Name                                                        Recipie...