
Showing posts from August 7, 2011

LAB–Remote Desktop SSO with RDGW

  1.   2. ==================================================================   Web SSO with RD Gateway Web SSO also works when RemoteApp programs are set to use RD Gateway regardless of whether RD Web Access accesses RemoteApp programs in RD Session Host mode or RD Connection Broker mode. The configuration of Web SSO for RD Gateway assumes that: an RD Gateway is deployed a ‘Connection Authorization Policy’ is set to use password for the users connecting and the RD Gateway server is used by RemoteApp programs More details on how to configure a ‘Connection Authorization Policy’ o...

LAB–Remote Desktop Per User CAL Revoke

    官方講了這篇,per user CAL 不可revoke   非官方的說可以改attribute   2.495 Attribute msTSExpireDate          

LAB: RemoteDesktop–Script to Generate Per User CAL Report

Image When a person leaves your company if you delete their AD user account the count of Per User RDS CALs in use will decrease automatically. A RDS Per User CAL expires after 60 days of not being used.  What this means is that if you have a user account that has not logged on to one of your RDSH servers in the last 61 days they will not show up on the Per User CAL Usage report. The above are implementation details of Per User RDS license tracking.  I will leave it up to you to decide what complies with the license agreement.  For example, what is the definition of permanently?  If an employee switches departments, does not use your RDSH servers for a year, and then starts using them again did you violate the EULA (assuming you reassigned the CAL)?  Perhaps you would say no in this example.  What about if the same thing happens for only ...