
Showing posts from March 13, 2011

LAB–Exchange 2007 SP2 CCR upgrade to SP3 on server 2003

  如何將 CCR 環境中的叢集信箱伺服器升級至 Exchange 2007 SP1 或 SP2 如何在 CCR 環境中安裝更新彙總套件   1. Cluster res Cluster group 2. Get-ClusteredMailboxServerStatus Get-StorageGroupCopyStatus 3. Move-ClusteredMailboxServer to another NODE [PS] C:\>Move-ClusteredMailboxServer -Identity:Test-E2K7-CCR -TargetMachine:TEST-E2K7-CCR1 -MoveComment:"from CCR2 to CCR1" 4. Cluster Group still owned by CCR2 5. Cluster Res 6. Cluster Group “Cluster Group” /move 7. Check Cluster res 8. Cluster Status from GUI 9. Get-ExchangeServer | ft name,AdminDisplayVersion 10. Stop and then restart the Remote Registry service. 11. Upgrade Passive Node Performing this procedure results in a brief outage during the upgrade pro...

LAB–Exchange 2007 CCR on E2K3 補完

    1. 驗證 CCR 解決方案 完成 CCR 解決方案的安裝後,或是進行重大組態變更後,建議您驗證 CMS 的健康狀況和狀態,並驗證這兩個節點都已正確設定成支援 CMS。 驗證 CMS 的健康狀況和狀態的建議方法是執行 Get-StorageGroupCopyStatus 和 Get-ClusteredMailboxServerStatus 指令程式: Get-StorageGroupCopyStatus 指令程式提供每個儲存群組的目前複寫狀態資訊。如需如何檢視 CCR 環境中儲存群組狀態的詳細步驟,請參閱 如何使用 Exchange 管理命令介面檢視叢集連續複寫副本的狀態 。 Get-ClusteredMailboxServerStatus 指令程式可提供 CMS 的基本作業狀態。如需如何取得 CMS 之基本作業狀態的詳細步驟,請參閱 如何檢視叢集信箱伺服器的狀態 。 Get-StorageGroupCopyStatus Get-ClusteredMailboxServerStatus Move-ClusteredMailboxServer -Identity:EXCMS -TargetMachine:NodeB -MoveComment:"Getting ready for maintenance on NodeA" Move-ClusterMailboxServer –identity:TEST-E2K7-CCR –TargetMachine:Test-E2K7-CCR1 –MoveComments:”TEST” 2.

E2K7 CCR–Cluster Command 補完

  Cluster res “Majority Node Set” /priv   Cluster Group Cluster Group “Cluster Group” /move