E2003–2010 Cross-Forest Public Folder Part2 – Migrating Permission
http://blogs.technet.com/b/exchange/archive/2011/03/28/iorepl-and-exchange-2010-sp1.aspx Migrating Permissions Once the preparation, installation, configuration and testing phases are complete and you are successfully able to replicate public folders and free/busy content between Exchange organizations, the next phase is to export Public folder permissions. In order to do that, we need PFDAVAdmin to export permissions on Exchange 2003 side and ExFolders to import permissions on Exchange 2010 side. Note: It's important to retain public folder replicas on Exchange Server 2003 until all mailboxes have been migrated to Exchange Server 2010. This is to allow for access to public folders via Exchange 2003 OWA as well as Exchange 2010 Outlook Web App. It's assumed that you have already followed the steps to move mailboxes cross forest as explained in Exchange 2010 Cross Forest Mailbox Moves . You can use either the legacyExchangeDN or the account name (Domain\User)...