
Showing posts from November 15, 2009

LAB: Bulk Enable-UMMailbox

  重點是 PowerShell 的foreach, 不過UM 的UI 也太簡單了. 無法批次啟用及設定, 一定要MIS 跳進來學及推廣 PowerShell.   [PS] C:\> get-user -identity imss.quar | foreach { $_.samaccountname + ',' + $_.p hone.substring($ - 3) } >> c:\userlist.csv [PS] C:\> import-csv c:\userlist.csv | foreach { enable-ummailbox -id $_.samaccou ntname -ummailboxpolicy MSFTPool -extensions $_.extension -pin $_.extension } [PS] C:\Documents and Settings\Exchadm\Desktop> Import-Csv c:\userlist.csv | fore ach { enable-ummailbox -id $_.samaccountname -ummailboxpolicy BenQPool -extensio ns $_.extension -pin $_.extension } Get-User -Filter "Title -like '*Manager'"     [PS] C:\Documents and Settings\Exchadm\Desktop>Get-Mailbox -Server bqt-mb07 | ft -Property,SamAccountName,umenabled,extensions -Property           SamAccountName           ...

Issue: E14 Cannot create new mailbox

    (PID 11000, Thread 13) Task Enable-Mailbox writing error when processing record of index 0. Error: Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.ADOperationException: Active Directory operation failed on This error is not retriable. Additional information: 存取權限不足,無法執行操作。. Active directory response: 00002098: SecErr: DSID-03150E8A, problem 4003 (INSUFF_ACCESS_RIGHTS), data 0 ---> System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.DirectoryOperationException: 使用者的存取權限不足。    於 System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection.ConstructResponse(Int32 messageId, LdapOperation operation, ResultAll resultType, TimeSpan requestTimeOut, Boolean exceptionOnTimeOut)    於 System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection.SendRequest(DirectoryRequest request, TimeSpan requestTimeout)    於 Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.PooledLdapConnection.SendRequest(DirectoryRequest request, LdapOperation ldapOperation, IAccountingObje...

LAB: E14 Mailbox Role – Importing and Exporting Mailbox Data

        Blog Extended Reading More Information & Reference 1. Understanding Importing and Exporting Mailbox Data 2.

REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Part 5 - Importing and Exporting Mailbox Data

  Importing and Exporting Mailbox Data E2K7 開始提供的功能   Mailboxes can be exported to another target mailbox or to a .pst file. There are a few reasons why you might want to import or export mailbox data: Remove one or more messages from mailboxes    If a sensitive message was inadvertently sent to incorrect recipients, the export mailbox process can be used to remove those messages from the specified mailboxes. Compliance requirements    The export mailbox process can be used to export the contents of mailboxes for legal discovery and import them into a special mailbox used for compliance purposes. Create a point in time mailbox snapshot    You might want to create a snapshot for certain mailboxes without the need to retain the entire backup set for a mailbox database. By default, Exchange exports and imports all empty folders, special folders, and subfolders to the target location. To specify folders to either include in o...

REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Part 4 - Mailbox Store

  這篇比較偏基礎計算機概論的如資料結構, B-Tree 等的內容就略過.   Exchange 2010 Standard Edition supports five databases . Exchange 2010 Enterprise Edition supports 100 databases . Logical Components of the Exchange Store 略 File Structure of the Exchange Store 略 Understanding Transaction Logging To view the decimal sequence number for a specific log file, you can examine its header by using the Exchange Server Database Utilities (Eseutil.exe) tool. The first 4-KB page of each log file contains header information that describes and identifies the log file and the databases it belongs to. The command Eseutil /ml [log file name] displays the header information. If you have to repair a database, some data will be lost. Data loss is frequently minimal; however, it may be catastrophic. After running Eseutil /p on a database, you should completely repair the database with the following two operations: First, run Eseutil/d to defragment the database. This operation discards a...

REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Part 3 – E-Mail Address Policies

  1. Update-EmailAddressPolicy   環境中不適合直接run 這個command, 除非重新調整過email address policy. 2. 舊版的email address policy 將無法直接編輯   3. 新版(2007 開始) 的好處是透過GUI 直接選定AD object, 取代過往的LDAP query (&(&(&(&(|(&(objectCategory=person)(objectSid=*)(!samAccountType:1.2.840.113556.1.4.804:=3))(&(objectCategory=person)(!objectSid=*))(&(objectCategory=group)(groupType:1.2.840.113556.1.4.804:=14)))(& (mailnickname=*) (| (&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(|(homeMDB=*)(msExchHomeServerName=*))) )))(objectCategory=user)(company=msft*)))) 只是不知 Mail group 只套用leagacyExchangeDN 的問題是否有解決?     Exchange applies a policy to all recipients that match the recipient filtering criteria: The recipient policy functionality is divided into two features: e-mail address policies and accepted domains. A detailed discussion about accepted domains is outside the scope of this topic. For information ab...

REF: Exchange 07 & 10 PowerShell for CAS – Get-CASMailbox

這個覺得蠻重要的, 一般會用get-mailbox –identity 取得user 資訊, 不過CAS 存取的相關資訊就得換個思考及取得方式如下 Get-CASMailbox [PS] C:\Documents and Settings\Exchadm\Desktop> Get-CASMailbox -Identity johnny.y ao | fl EmailAddresses                        : {} LegacyExchangeDN                      : /O=msft/OU=BQY/cn=Recipients/cn=Johnny.Yao LinkedMasterAccount                   : PrimarySmtpAddress                    : ProtocolSettings                   ...

REF: Exchange 2010 Back Pressure

  Back pressure is a system resource monitoring feature of the Microsoft Exchange Transport service that exists on Microsoft Exchange 2010 Hub Transport and Edge Transport servers . Exchange Transport can detect when vital resources, such as available hard disk drive space and available memory, are under pressure, and take action in an attempt to prevent service unavailability. Back pressure prevents the system resources from being completely overwhelmed and Exchange server tries to deliver the existing messages. When utilization of the system resource returns to a normal level, the Exchange server gradually resumes normal operation. In Exchange 2007, when a Hub or Edge server is under resource pressure, it rejected incoming connections. In Exchange 2010, incoming connections are accepted, but incoming messages over those connections are either accepted at a slower rate or are rejected . When an SMTP host attempts to make a connection to a Hub or Edge server that is in back...

REF: Exchange 2007 Back Pressure

  背壓 (Back Pressure) 是 Microsoft Exchange Transport 服務的系統資源監視功能,存在於執行 Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 且已安裝 Hub Transport server role 或 Edge Transport server role 的電腦上 。其會監視重要系統資源 (例如可用硬碟空間及可用記憶體)。如果系統資源的使用量超過指定的限制, Exchange 伺服器就會停止接受新的連線及郵件 。這樣可防止系統資源不堪負荷,並讓 Exchange 伺服器傳遞現有的郵件。當系統資源的使用量恢復正常水準時,Exchange 伺服器就會接受新的連線及郵件。 使用背壓功能時,會監視下列系統資源: 硬碟上用來儲存訊息佇列資料庫的可用空間。 硬碟上用來儲存訊息佇列資料庫交易記錄的可用空間。 記憶體中未認可的訊息佇列資料庫交易數。 EdgeTransport.exe 處理程序使用的記憶體。 所有處理程序使用的記憶體。 Hub Transport Server 或 Edge Transport Server 上每個受監視的系統資源都會套用下列三種資源使用量層級之一: 一般    資源未使用過度。伺服器會接受新的連線及郵件。 中    資源稍微使用過度。會對伺服器套用有限的背壓。可以傳送來自授權網域之寄件者的郵件。但伺服器會拒絕其他來源的新連線及郵件。 高    資源嚴重使用過度。會套用完整背壓。所有訊息流程都會停止,而且伺服器會拒絕所有新的連線及郵件。 強烈建議不要在生產伺服器上的 EdgeTransport.exe.config 檔案中,對背壓設定做任何修改。修改背壓設定可能會導致效能不佳或資料遺失。建議您遭遇背壓事件時,先不要修改背壓設定,而是調查起因並做更正。 背壓的組態選項全是在 C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Bin 目錄內的 EdgeTransport.exe.config 應用程式組態檔中設定。EdgeTransport.exe.config 檔案是與 EdgeTrans...

REF: Exchane 2003 with DSAccess Service

  1. 若您組織中只有一台GC, 則Exchange DSAccess 於啟動時無法搜尋到 GC, 便會導致SA Service 無法正常運作. 2. 您有設定兩台DNS, 這部分沒問題. 3. 因您只有一台GC, 當此台GC 離線時, 必然會導致Exchange SA service 無法成功啟動, 而SA service 不正常, IS service 也會無法啟動將DB 掛載. 通用類別目錄伺服器    Exchange Server 2003 必須存取通用類別目錄伺服器,以取得樹系中所有收件者物件的完整地址資訊。只有通用類別目錄伺服器會有網域中所有物件的完整複本,以及樹系中所有物件的部份複本。Exchange 伺服器目前所使用的通用類別目錄伺服器,稱為工作通用類別目錄伺服器。 幾乎所有 Exchange Server 2003 使用者內容的目錄服務交易,都是以通用類別目錄為目標。無論本機 Active Directory 站台內有多少台通用類別目錄伺服器,工作通用類別目錄清單中最多可以有十個通用類別目錄伺服器。如果本機站台中沒有任何通用類別目錄伺服器,或是本機站台中的通用類別目錄伺服器都沒有通過適合性測試,則 DSAccess 會改用站台外成本最低的通用類別目錄伺服器 (最多可使用 200 個)。因為用於通用類別目錄的目錄服務伺服器,本身也是網域控制站,所以這部伺服器可以同時提供兩種類型的目錄。 除非在登錄中明確指定網域控制站及通用類別目錄伺服器,否則,會使用拓撲搜索程序及適合性測試,每隔 15 分鐘就重新評估並重新產生一次通用類別目錄伺服器及網域控制站清單。 下列的連續清單概述了整個搜索程序,並指出初始搜索與重新搜索之間的差異: 啟動期間,系統服務員處理程序 (Mad.exe) 會產生 DSAccess.dll 的執行個體,同時加以初始化。 DSAccess 會從本機網域中隨機選擇一個網域控制站,然後開啟 LDAP 連線以連到該網域控制站。這個伺服器稱為啟動程序載入伺服器。 DSAccess 會讀取本機登錄,以判定拓撲是否已明確指定。如果拓撲已明確指定,則搜索程序會停止。如果未偵測到明確指定,則 DSAccess 會繼續進行搜索程序。 DSAccess...