REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Part 4 - Mailbox Store
這篇比較偏基礎計算機概論的如資料結構, B-Tree 等的內容就略過.
Exchange 2010 Standard Edition supports five databases. Exchange 2010 Enterprise Edition supports 100 databases.
Logical Components of the Exchange Store
File Structure of the Exchange Store
Understanding Transaction Logging
To view the decimal sequence number for a specific log file, you can examine its header by using the Exchange Server Database Utilities (Eseutil.exe) tool. The first 4-KB page of each log file contains header information that describes and identifies the log file and the databases it belongs to. The command Eseutil /ml [log file name] displays the header information.
If you have to repair a database, some data will be lost. Data loss is frequently minimal; however, it may be catastrophic. After runningEseutil /p on a database, you should completely repair the database with the following two operations: First, run Eseutil/d to defragment the database. This operation discards and rebuilds all database indexes and space trees.
Improvement to Store Health and Resilience
The Exchange Store has been improved to better handle poison mailboxes and thread timeouts. Improvements have also been made on the reporting and alert features to signal an unhealthy Exchange Store state.
Poison 訊息佇列 Poison 訊息佇列是一種特殊的佇列,用來隔離在伺服器故障後偵測到可能對 Exchange 2007 系統有害的訊息。包含可能對 Exchange Server 系統有嚴重損害之錯誤的訊息會傳遞到 Poison 訊息佇列。此佇列平常是空的,並且如果沒有 Poison 的訊息,佇列檢視介面就不會顯示此佇列。Poison 訊息佇列一律處於就緒狀態。預設會擱置此佇列中的所有訊息。如果訊息被視為對系統有害,可將之刪除。如果導致訊息進入 Poison 訊息佇列的事件經判斷後發現與訊息無關,即可繼續傳遞訊息。繼續傳遞時,訊息會進入提交佇列。
Poison Mailbox Detection and Correction
A single mailbox with corrupt data (logical or physical) may in some cases cause the Exchange Store to crash, and deny service to all mailboxes hosted by the server. Similarly, a poison mailbox could also cause the Exchange Store to repeatedly crash. This section describes the actions the Exchange Store will take to detect and cut off poison mailboxes.
Isolating the Poison Mailbox
Acting on the Poison Mailbox
Resetting the Quarantined Mailbox
Reporting and Alerts
You can use the Get-MailboxStatistics cmdlet to report on the quarantined state of a mailbox. The Exchange Store has a performance monitor counter for the number of quarantined mailboxes. The counter name is MSExchangeIS Mailbox\Quarantined Mailbox Count.
Blog Extended Reading
More Information & Reference
1. Understanding the Exchange 2010 Store
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