LAB: Bulk Enable-UMMailbox


重點是 PowerShell 的foreach, 不過UM 的UI 也太簡單了. 無法批次啟用及設定, 一定要MIS 跳進來學及推廣 PowerShell.


[PS] C:\>get-user -identity imss.quar | foreach { $_.samaccountname + ',' + $_.p
hone.substring($ - 3) } >> c:\userlist.csv


[PS] C:\>import-csv c:\userlist.csv | foreach { enable-ummailbox -id $_.samaccou
ntname -ummailboxpolicy MSFTPool -extensions $_.extension -pin $_.extension }

[PS] C:\Documents and Settings\Exchadm\Desktop>Import-Csv c:\userlist.csv | fore
ach { enable-ummailbox -id $_.samaccountname -ummailboxpolicy BenQPool -extensio
ns $_.extension -pin $_.extension }

Get-User -Filter "Title -like '*Manager'"



[PS] C:\Documents and Settings\Exchadm\Desktop>Get-Mailbox -Server bqt-mb07 | ft


-Property           SamAccountName                UMEnabled Extensions

---------           --------------                --------- ----------

                    exchadm                            True {postmaster@benq...

                    Menghsien.Lin                      True {7257, Menghsien...

                    Vincent.PO.Lin                     True {7233, Vincent.P...

                    Johnny.Yao                         True {Johnny.Yao@BenQ...

                    BQY.TestUser1                     False {}

                               True {

                    Abuse                             False {}

                    IMSS.Spam                          True {1112, IMSS.Spam...

                    IMSS.Spyware                      False {}

                    IMSS.ITrap                        False {}

                    IMSS.SPAM_Medium                  False {}

                    IMSS.SPAM_Low                     False {}

                    whitelist.request                 False {}

                    IMSS.Quar                         False {}




Blog Extended Reading

More Information & Reference

1. bulk enabling users for Unified Messaging

2. Enable-UMMailbox – PowerShell

3. How to Enable a User for Unified Messaging

4. Filterable Properties for the -Filter Parameter



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