REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Move Requests – Part 3


1. 信箱搬移由Exchange 2007 CMDlet 改為Exchange 2010 MRS Service
2. MRS 可控制各AD site 的move request, 避免重複的move request
3. MSExchangeMailboxReplication.exe.config. 負責控制move request 設定
4. 可調整一次的信箱搬移數量, 預設為5, Exchange 2003 為4
5.  by default, MRSProxy is disabled
6. MRSProxy 負責remote forest 的跨樹系信箱遷移工作

Mailbox Replication Service

When you use the Move Request cmdlets to perform the mailbox move the move will be conducted by MRS. As stated previously, MRS resides on an Exchange 2010 Client Access server and is the service that moves mailboxes from the source database to the target database. In Exchange 2007, the mailbox move was performed by the actual Move-Mailbox cmdlet. Using a service as the agent of the move allows you to move mailboxes asynchronously while they remain accessible to the user. During the move, you maintain the ability to view, cancel, and manage the move request from any Exchange 2010 server in your organization.

You can start and stop the Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication service as you would any service. MRS constantly checks for all move requests in its own active directory site. In addition, there is a sharing mechanism between all instances of MRS so that no two servers will attempt to perform the same move request.

All MRS instances in an Active Directory site work together to ensure that the database and Client Access server throttling is respected across all instances of MRS. MRS throttline is controlled by a configuration file. The default location for the configuration file can be found in the same location where Exchange was installed:

<Exchange Installation Path>\V14\Bin\MSExchangeMailboxReplication.exe.config.


You can control the following properties:

  • MaxActiveMovesPerSourceMDB   This property indicates the number of mailboxes that can be moved on the source mailbox database at one time. The default value is 5 concurrent moves.
  • MaxActiveMovesPerTargetMDB  This property indicates the number of mailbox moves that can be moved on the target mailbox database at one time. The default value is 5 concurrent moves.
  • MaxTotalMovesPerMRS   This property indicates the number of mailboxes that can be moved by a single instance of MRS. The default value is 100 concurrent moves.
  • MaxActiveMovesPerTargetServer   This property indicates the total number of moves that can occur on the target server at a given time. The default value is 5 concurrent moves.
  • MaxActiveMovesPerSourceServer   This property indicates the total number of moves that can occur on the source server at a given time. The default value is 5 concurrent moves.
  • MaxMoveHistoryLength   This property indicates the maximum number of move histories to maintain in the mailbox. The default value is 2 move histories per mailbox.
  • FullScanMoveJobsPollingPeriod   This property indicates how often each instance of MRS will scan for new move requests. The default value is 10 minutes.

In addition to MRS, the Mailbox Replication Proxy service is installed on every Exchange2010 Client Access server. MRSProxy helps to facilitate cross-forest move requests and MRSProxy runs on the remote forest's Exchange 2010 client access server. However, by default, MRSProxy is disabled. You will need to turn on MRSProxy on the remote forest by modifying the web.config file for the Client Access Server on which you want to enable MRSProxy. We recommend that you enable MRSProxy on all CAS servers in the remote forest. The configuration file can be found in the same location where Exchange was installed:

<Exchange Installation Path>\V14\ClientAccess\ExchWeb\EWS\web.config

Open the file with a text editor, such as Notepad and locate the section MRSProxyConfiguration and edit IsEnabled to equal "true".

When MRSProxy is turned on, you can connect to the end point with a Web application, such as Internet Explorer by using the following URL:



Replace CASServerName with the name of the Client Access server on which you enabled MRSProxy. If you get a "Page not found" error, MRSProxy is not enabled on that server.

For more information about MRSProxy and how it helps to facilitate remote move requests, see Remote Mailbox Moves with Exchange 2010 in both Forests later in this topic.


Blog Extended Reading

1. REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Move Requests – Part 1
2. REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Move Requests – Part 2
3. REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Move Requests – Part 3
REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Move Requests – Part 4
5. REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Move Requests – Part 5

More Information & Reference
1. Understanding Move Requests



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