
Showing posts from 2010

Ticket: Public Folder Replication Fails Due To Empty Legacy Administrative Group

  Exchange 2007 Event 8207 MSExchangeFBPublish Finally Fixed Error updating public folder with free/busy information on virtual machine claexc01. The error number is 0x80004005 Hi Michael, I'm not sure whether to be impressed or shocked that my site is blocked in China. Here's a new URL to try ( ), otherwise here's a copy of the text: During a migration from Exchange Server 2003 to Exchange Server 2007 you need to add the Exchange 2007 server to replicas for each of the Public Folders (as you would need with any Exchange server migration) and this includes the System folders as well. In our case I missed the SCHEDULE+ FREE BUSY folder. This resulted in Outlook 2003 clients unable to see Free/Busy information when creating a meeting request. The user would see this error in Outlook when attempting to see another users schedule:     no free/busy information could ...

Ticket: UM failed submit mail to HUB

  Troubleshoot: UM voice mails not submitted to Hub Transport UMService EventID 1082 "The Unified Messaging server was unable to submit messages to a Hub Transport" Authentication failure UM Voicemail delivery fails - SMTP error TargetUnknown on UM Event Type:    Warning Event Source:    MSExchange Unified Messaging Event Category:    Disk Event ID:    1185 Date:        11/24/2010 Time:        3:22:41 PM User:        N/A Computer:    OCS-UM Description: The Unified Messaging server was unable to submit a message to Hub Transport server "EXCH-CAS" because the following error occurred: 意外的 SMTP 伺服器回應。預期: 235,實際: 454,整個回應: 454 4.7.0 Temporary authentication failure   Event Type:    Error Event Sourc...

Ref: 從 Exchange 2007 Transport 升級

  從 Exchange 2007 Transport 升級 1. Exchange 2010 和 Exchange 2007 Hub Transport Server 需有 Exchange 2007 SP2,才能在單一 Active Directory 站台共存 由 Exchange 2007 信箱使用者傳送給 Exchange 2010 收件者的所有郵件,都會依照類似的路徑。 在 SP2 中,已將建立版本路由新增至 Exchange 2007。您必須先將現有的 Exchange 2007 伺服器升級至 SP2,才能讓 Exchange 2010 和 Exchange 2007 在相同的 Active Directory 站台中共存。當您在相同的 Active Directory 站台中擁有 Exchange 2010 和 Exchange 2007 SP2,每一部 Hub Transport Server 便會以相符的版本,來處理信箱伺服器的郵件。建立版本路由不會變更站台內郵件的路由傳送方式。 當您在相同站台中擁有 Exchange 2010 和 Exchange 2007,請考量下列事項: 您不能將不相容的 Hub Transport Server,指定為信箱伺服器的提交伺服器覆寫。 若是特定的信箱伺服器,如果您在本機站台上沒有相符版本的 Hub Transport Server,則該信箱伺服器上的使用者送出的所有郵件,都會保留在信箱伺服器中。 若是特定的信箱伺服器,如果您在本機站台上沒有相符版本的 Hub Transport Server,對於傳送給該信箱伺服器上使用者的所有郵件,會發佈未傳遞回報 (NDR)。 傳送到已啟用郵件的公用資料夾郵件,其處理方式和郵件傳送到信箱相同。

Ticket: smtp relay in active directory site 451 4.4.0 & 421 4.2.1 between E14 & E2K7

  smtp relay in active directory site  451 4.4.0 Understanding Message Routing 瞭解訊息路由

REF: Exchange 2007 HUB issue

    傳輸伺服器的負載平衡及容錯 內部郵件路由 容錯: 系統自動允許單點失敗 負載平衡: 自動依各項機制分散loading 以下內容為Exchange 2007 適用 1. 同一AD site 中組織組態的to internet connector 會自動進行容錯及負載平衡 同一 Active Directory 站台 的傳送連接器上指定了多個來源傳輸伺服器的郵件轉送 在連接器上指定多個來源傳輸伺服器時,連線會分散給多個來源伺服器,以用循環配置方式達到負載平衡。當該連接器無法使用某個來源伺服器時,就會容錯移轉至下一個替代來源伺服器以達到容錯。 在下圖中,傳送連接器 C1 設定為使用 Hub Transport Server A 及 Hub Transport Server B 作為來源伺服器。當 Hub Transport Server C 路由傳送郵件至傳送連接器 C1 時,會在 Hub Transport Server A 與 Hub Transport Server B 之間進行郵件分散的負載平衡。 同一 Active Directory 站台的傳送連接器上多個來源傳輸伺服器 如果轉送郵件的伺服器也設定為所選連接器的來源傳輸伺服器,則不會進行負載平衡。在這樣的情況下,鄰近本機伺服器會比鄰近本機 Active Directory 站台更佔優勢,而一律使用本機伺服器來路由傳送郵件。 在此圖中,如果 Hub Transport Server C 也設定為傳送連接器 C1 上的來源傳輸伺服器,則從 Hub Transport Server C 轉送的郵件會透過傳送連接器 C1 來路由傳送,而不是負載平衡至 Hub Transport Server A 與 Hub Transport Server B。 2. 不同AD site 使用的to internet connector 不會自動進行負載平衡,但可以設定容錯!! 不同 Active Directory 站台中的來源傳輸伺服器 如果正在用來路由傳送電子郵件的傳送連接器的來源傳輸伺服器位於不同的遠端 Active Directo...

LAB: Exchange 2010 Resource Mailbox (Room Mailbox)– Part 2

  Set-CalendarProcessing 1. Meeting Room displayed on GAL 2. Request a “recurring meeting” 3. First rejected reason 4. Get-CalendarProcessing -Identity room137 | fl BookingWindowInDays Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity room137 -BookingWindowInDays 360 5. 6. 7.

LAB: Exchange 2010 Resource Mailbox (Room Mailbox)– Part 1

  建立會議室或設備信箱 1. Create mailbox 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Created room mailbox was a disabled account by default 資源信箱 是表示會議室和公司設備,且用於會議室或設備排程的信箱。與資源信箱關聯的使用者帳戶會被停用。 8. 9. Enable the Resource Booking Attendant. 10. default Rsource Policy 11. Default Resource Information 12. Resource Out-of-Policy Request

Ref: Outlook 2003/07/10 with RPCClientAccessServer

Image Client Creation Q: Do you have any best practices to share for creating an Exchange 2010 CAS array in an Active Directory site? A: I’d advise you to create the CAS array before you make any Mailbox databases or move any mailboxes to an Exchange 2010 Mailbox server in a site. Exchange 2010 Mailbox databases have an attribute called RpcClientAccessServer. If there’s no CAS array in the Active Directory site when the database is created, this will be populated with the server FQDN of an Exchange 2010 CAS server in the Active Directory site. If you create the CAS array before any Mailbox databases, this attribute will instead be given the FQDN of the CAS array as shown in Figure 2. Figure 2 RpcClientAccessServer attribute on a Mailbox database. Why is this a good idea? The Outlook client (whether Outlook 2003, 2007 or 2010) won’t pick up the change automatically. If you use Outlook 2007 or 2010, you can have ...

Ref: Mail Submission on DAG member also Hub Transport Server Q: I’m planning to upgrade our environment from Microsoft Exchange 2007 to Exchange 2010. This im plementation has to be fully redundant on all levels.Because our organization has about 3,000 users, I plan to install Exchange on two machines initially. Each will have the Hub Transport (HT), Client Access Server (CAS) and Mailbox (MB) server roles. Both will also be members of a Database Availability Group (DAG), so the servers will replicate databases between themselves . From our experience with the current Exchange environment, I know that if the HT and MB roles are on the same machine, the Microsoft Exchange Mail Submission service always prefers the local HT server. It doesn’t use other HT servers in the Active Directory site in a round robin fashion, as do MB servers that don’t have the HT server role. If this is the same in Exchange 2010, we have an issue. Keeping the transport dumpster on a DAG member doesn...

Ticket: Exhcnage 2010 upgrade AddressList

Image   1. download PS1 from MSExchangeTeamBlog 2. Update methods # Examples on ways to use this script in Powershell... # To convert a manually entered filter and display the result: # # .\ConvertFrom-LdapFilter "(&(mailnickname=*))" # # To convert the LDAP filter on an existing address list and display the result: # # .\ConvertFrom-LdapFilter (Get-AddressList "My Address List").LdapRecipientFilter # To convert the LDAP filter on an existing address list and update the address list with the new filter: # # Set-AddressList "My Address List" -RecipientFilter ( .\ConvertFrom-LdapFilter (Get-AddressList "My Address List").LdapRecipientFilter ) # To convert all existing l...

REF: Exchange 2010– Convert Mailbox to Resource Mailbox (轉換信箱)

Image 主題說明如何使用 Exchange 管理命令介面將信箱轉換為不同類型的信箱。您可以轉換下列項目: 使用者信箱至共用信箱 使用者信箱至資源信箱 共用信箱至使用者信箱 共用信箱至資源信箱 資源信箱至使用者信箱 資源信箱至共用信箱 您無法使用此程序將使用者信箱轉換為連結的信箱,或將連結的信箱轉換為使用者信箱。如需如何轉換為連結之信箱的指示,請參閱 如何將信箱轉換為連結的信箱 。 適合轉換信箱的案例像是將資源信箱從 Exchange Server 2003 移至  Exchange Server 2010 時。在 Exchange 2003 中,您必須使用共用信箱來代表資源。當您將這些信箱移至 Exchange 2010 時,這些信箱會變成 Exchange 2010 共用信箱。您必須將它們從 Exchange 2010 共用信箱轉換為 Exc hange 2010 資源信箱,讓它們具有 Exchange 2010 資源信箱的所有內容。 Set-Mailbox ConfRoom1 -Type Room 您可以針對 Type 參數使用下列值: Regular Room Equipment Shared 1. Share mailbox on Exchange 2003 for meeting room resource   2. After move to Exchange 2010,share mailbox is a user mailbox. 3. New Exchange 2010 resource mailbox   4. Convert mailbox to resource mailbox Set-Mailbox “Mailbox” –Type Room 5. Mailbox converted 6. After converted, account will be disabled. ...

Ticket: Exchange 2010 DAG–Change File Share Witness (Cluster Quorum)–Part2

  1. Create Additional FSW C:\Users\exchadm>cluster res /priv 列出所有資源的私人內容: T  資源                 名稱                           值 -- -------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------- BR Cluster Name         ResourceData                   01 00 00 00 ... (260 個位元組) DR Cluster Name         StatusNetBIOS                  0 (0x0) DR Cluster Name         StatusDNS          ...

Ticket: Exchange 2010 DAG–Change File Share Witness (Cluster Quorum)–Part1

  1. FSW has been changed to BQT-CAS01 and old share path has been removed.   2. But Cluster Res still show original FSW C:\Users\exchadm>cluster res /priv 列出所有資源的私人內容: T  資源                 名稱                           值 -- -------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------- BR Cluster Name         ResourceData                   01 00 00 00 ... (260 個位元組) DR Cluster Name         StatusNetBIOS                  0 (0x0) DR Cluster Name  ...