Ticket: Exhcnage 2010 upgrade AddressList





1. download PS1 from MSExchangeTeamBlog



2. Update methods

# Examples on ways to use this script in Powershell...

# To convert a manually entered filter and display the result:
# .\ConvertFrom-LdapFilter "(&(mailnickname=*))"
# To convert the LDAP filter on an existing address list and display the result:
# .\ConvertFrom-LdapFilter (Get-AddressList "My Address List").LdapRecipientFilter

# To convert the LDAP filter on an existing address list and update the address list with the new filter:
# Set-AddressList "My Address List" -RecipientFilter ( .\ConvertFrom-LdapFilter (Get-AddressList "My Address List").LdapRecipientFilter )

# To convert all existing legacy address lists and display the result without actually updating them:
# Get-AddressList | WHERE { $_.RecipientFilterType -eq 'Legacy' } | foreach { .\ConvertFrom-LdapFilter $_.LdapRecipientFilter }

# To convert all existing legacy address lists and output the name, current LDAP filter, and the generated OPATH to a tab-delimited file without actually updating the address lists:
# Get-AddressList | WHERE { $_.RecipientFilterType -eq 'Legacy' } | foreach { $_.Name + [char]9 + $_.LdapRecipientFilter + [char]9 + (.\ConvertFrom-LdapFilter $_.LdapRecipientFilter) } > C:\suggestedfilters.txt

# To convert all existing legacy address lists and actually update the address lists without prompting:
# Get-AddressList | WHERE { $_.RecipientFilterType -eq 'Legacy' } | foreach { Set-AddressList $_.Name -RecipientFilter (.\ConvertFrom-LdapFilter $_.LdapRecipientFilter) -ForceUpgrade }

# To convert all legacy address lists, GALs, and email address policies, without prompting, run three commands:
# Get-AddressList | WHERE { $_.RecipientFilterType -eq 'Legacy' } | foreach { Set-AddressList $_.Name -RecipientFilter (.\ConvertFrom-LdapFilter $_.LdapRecipientFilter) -ForceUpgrade }

# Get-GlobalAddressList | WHERE { $_.RecipientFilterType -eq 'Legacy' } | foreach { Set-GlobalAddressList $_.Name -RecipientFilter (.\ConvertFrom-LdapFilter $_.LdapRecipientFilter) -ForceUpgrade }

# Get-EmailAddressPolicy | WHERE { $_.RecipientFilterType -eq 'Legacy' } | foreach { Set-EmailAddressPolicy $_.Name -RecipientFilter (.\ConvertFrom-LdapFilter $_.LdapRecipientFilter) -ForceUpgrade }

3. Legacy AddressList waiting for upgrade


4. different RecipientFilter


5. Choose convert single legacy addresslist

# To convert the LDAP filter on an existing address list and update the address list with the new filter:
# Set-AddressList "My Address List" -RecipientFilter ( .\ConvertFrom-LdapFilter (Get-AddressList "My Address List").LdapRecipientFilter )

6. Start Upgrade


7. Upgrade result


8. You cannot use EMC to edit the recipient filter



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