E14 – New-ClientAccessArray


In simple terms a CAS Array is a set of Exchange 2010 CAS servers that are load balanced using either Windows Network Load Balancing, Microsoft ISA Server or a third party load balancing appliance.

Without configuring a CAS Array the Outlook client will connect to a single CAS server within the Active Directory Site and the connection would fail should that CAS server go offline.

•So the array configuration takes two steps which are:

1. Configure the CAS servers in a Windows Network Load Balancing cluster.
2. Configure the CAS Array in Exchange.

There can be only one CAS array configured per Active Directory Site.

Also while creating a new Mailbox database in the AD site, the value for the CAS Array was automatically picked up.

New-ClientAccessArray –name “BQT CAS Array” –FQDN BQT-CAS.MSFT.corp.com


[PS] C:\Windows\system32>New-ClientAccessArray -name "MSFT CAS Array" -Fqdn "mail.MSFT.com" -Site "BQT"




[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-ClientAccessArray | fl

RunspaceId        : ebdf1c27-5bea-4340-ac8e-bade81284e3d
Fqdn              : mail.MSFT.com
Site              : corp.com/Configuration/Sites/BQT
SiteName          : BQT
Members           : {BQT-E14CAS1}
AdminDisplayName  :
ExchangeVersion   : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)
Name              : MSFT CAS Array
DistinguishedName : CN=MSFT CAS Array,CN=Arrays,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Gr
                    oups,CN=MSFT,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=corp,DC=com
Identity          : MSFT CAS Array
Guid              : 0a28a536-c7c7-4cfe-a3ce-69df9a2ab712
ObjectCategory    : corp.com/Configuration/Schema/ms-Exch-Client-Access-Array-2
ObjectClass       : {top, server, msExchExchangeServer, msExchClientAccessArray}
WhenChanged       : 2010/3/18 下午 01:29:48
WhenCreated       : 2010/3/18 下午 01:29:48
WhenChangedUTC    : 2010/3/18 上午 05:29:48
WhenCreatedUTC    : 2010/3/18 上午 05:29:48
OrganizationId    :
OriginatingServer : dc13.MSFT.corp.com
IsValid           : True


Get-ClientAccessArray -site bqt | Set-ClientAccessArray -name "BQT-CAS-Array"
Get-ClientAccessArray -site bqt | Set-ClientAccessArray -fqdn bqt-cas.MSFT.corp.com



Blog Extended Reading

More Information & Reference

1. New-ClientAccessArray
2. Uncovering the new RPC Client Access Service in Exchange 2010 (Part 1)
3. Exchange 2010 & CAS Array with NLB



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