Exchange 2010 RPC CA service and CAS arrays - Quickfacts!


原文出自, - March 2010 Newsletter

Henrik Walther


1. What is RPC CA service?

RPC Client Access
Outlook 用戶端直接存取CAS, 再由CAS 存取DC/GC 等目錄服務.
Outlook MAPI 也不存取Mailbox 後端server 了, 改存取CAS.

為了便於使用者 的 failover & switchovers (*overs).

2. What is a CAS array?

CAS array 是某一AD site 中所有CAS server 的集合.
每一AD site 中只能建立一個CAS Array.
CAS array 的目的在於提供單一MAPI endpoint name (FQDN).
CAS array 的FQDN 可設定為mailbox database 所對應的 "RpcClientAccessServer" .
CAS array 可避免多台CAS server (未建成array)的單點失敗情況.
CAS array 需由NLB 建置來達成.

3. Is it true that Outlook clients no longer make any connections directly to the Mailbox server in Exchange 2010?

Exchange 2010 中公用資料夾 public folder 還是需直接存取到mailbox role.
Addressbook 也改由CAS 提供.

4. Is Outlook 2007 or Outlook 2010 required in order to be able to connect to the RPC CA service or CAS array?

Outlook 2003 完全支援存取RPC CA or CAS array.
需啟用 RPC encryption in the Outlook profile or 停用 the RPC encryption requirement on the CAS servers.
建議是啟用, 如下連結.

Outlook connection issues with Exchange 2010 mailboxes because of the RPC encryption requirement

5. Do I need four Exchange 2010 servers if I want to both use the Database Availability Group functionality to protect mailbox databases and at the same time load balance traffic Client Access server traffic using Windows Network Load Balancing (WNLB) technology?

無法同時建立WNLB & Failover clustering 在同一台server 上.
原因是可能的port 共享衝突.
若有hardware NLB 可行.

6. Would I need to include the CAS array FQDN in the certificate installed on the Client Access servers?

CAS array 的FQDN, 是不用納入憑證的subject name 中.

7. When using WNLB to load balance Client access server traffic, does the FQDN of the WNLB need to match the FQDN of the CAS array?

不需要. CAS array FQDN & WNLB FQDN 是可以不同的.

8. Should I use the same FQDN to load balance internal Outlook clients and external Exchange clients (OWA, EAS, Outlook Anywhere etc.)?

內外的Outlook 連線FQDN 建議是區分.
ex: internet –
      internal –

9. When should I change the RpcClientAccessServer property on a mailbox database?

調整 RpcClientAccessServer 至建立好的CAS array FQDN.
若不調整, Outlook 2007 & 2010 用戶端可能還是會連接到 CAS server 的FQDN.
就算AutoDiscover service 也不會更新Outlook profile.

Blog Extended Reading

More Information & Reference

1. Exchange Server 2010 and RPCClientAccessServer Madness
2. Load Balancing Exchange 2010 Client Access Servers using an Hardware Load Balancer Solution (Part 1)



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