Set-ClientAccessServer SCP Autodiscover


1. 瞭解自動探索服務

SCP 物件會包含樹系之自動探索服務 URL 的授權清單。您可使用 Set-ClientAccessServer 指令程式更新 SCP 物件

在執行 Set-ClientAccessServer 指令程式前,請確定用戶端存取伺服器上已驗證的使用者帳戶,具有該 SCP 物件的讀取權限。如果使用者的權限不正確,將無法搜尋及讀取項目。

2. Configuring Exchange 2007 Autodiscover Site Affinity

Internal Clients who are domain joined will first try to contact Active Directory for Service Connection Point (SCP) information.  Each time a CAS is installed into your Forest, that CAS will create an SCP in AD which provides a mean for Outlook 2007 clients to figure out the URL it should access Autodiscover.  This SCP is created in the following location:

CN=Autodiscover,CN=Protocols,CN=<CASServer>,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group,CN=Administrative Groups,CN=First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services

To manually configure the SCP, you can run the following command:

Set-ClientAccessServer -Identity CASServer -AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUri

By default, the SCP is configured with the following URL (Uses NetBIOS instead of FQDN):


Method 1

We will create a custom DNS record for each country that will Round Robin your client requests to the CAS Servers in their respective countries.  The following FQDNs will be:



[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-ClientAccessserver -Identity BQT-CAS02 | fl

RunspaceId                           : 13075fd1-0c53-4449-be88-793bb687961a
Name                                 : BQT-CAS02
Fqdn                                 :
OutlookAnywhereEnabled               : True
AutoDiscoverServiceCN                : BQT-CAS02
AutoDiscoverServiceClassName         : ms-Exchange-AutoDiscover-Service
AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUri       :
AutoDiscoverServiceGuid              : 77378f46-2c66-4aa9-a6a6-3e7a48b19596
AutoDiscoverSiteScope                : {BQT}
AlternateServiceAccountConfiguration :

IsValid                              : True
ExchangeVersion                      : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)
DistinguishedName                    : CN=BQT-CAS02,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=MSFT,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=corp,DC=com
Identity                             : BQT-CAS02
Guid                                 : db54f07a-4371-49d8-ba26-688dffe7451e
ObjectCategory                       :
ObjectClass                          : {top, server, msExchExchangeServer}
WhenChanged                          : 5/17/2010 9:20:59 AM
WhenCreated                          : 5/17/2010 9:17:42 AM
WhenChangedUTC                       : 5/17/2010 1:20:59 AM
WhenCreatedUTC                       : 5/17/2010 1:17:42 AM
OrganizationId                       :
OriginatingServer                    :


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