
Showing posts from 2011

E14 PowerShell - Bulk Modify AD Attributes via Import CSV – Part1

Image 1. Export CSV from Source Domain C:\Batch> csvde -f c:\Batch\aliax.csv -d OU=BI40,OU=System_Accounts,OU=TestLaber,DC=TestLab,DC=corp,DC=com -r (mailnickname=*) -l mailnickname,proxyaddresses,sAMAAccountname -p subtree C:\Batch> csvde -f c:\Batch\aliax.csv -d OU=BI40,OU=System_Accounts,OU=TestLaber,DC=TestLab,DC=corp,DC=com -r (mailnickname=*) -p subtree   2. Modify CSV for Import   3. Read MailNickName and import to PhysicalOfficeLocation before MailEnable 3.1 Get-User –Filter [PS] C:\>Get-User -Filter {samaccountname -eq "FlowerOnline"} Name                                                        Recipie...

E2003–2010 Cross-Forest Public Folder Part2 – Migrating Permission

Image   Migrating Permissions Once the preparation, installation, configuration and testing phases are complete and you are successfully able to replicate public folders and free/busy content between Exchange organizations, the next phase is to export Public folder permissions. In order to do that, we need PFDAVAdmin to export permissions on Exchange 2003 side and ExFolders to import permissions on Exchange 2010 side. Note: It's important to retain public folder replicas on Exchange Server 2003 until all mailboxes have been migrated to Exchange Server 2010. This is to allow for access to public folders via Exchange 2003 OWA as well as Exchange 2010 Outlook Web App. It's assumed that you have already followed the steps to move mailboxes cross forest as explained in Exchange 2010 Cross Forest Mailbox Moves . You can use either the legacyExchangeDN or the account name (Domain\User)...

E14 - Stop Automatic Conversion of Universal Distribution Groups to Universal Security Groups 停止萬用通訊群組與萬用安全性群組的自動轉換 萬用通訊群組和萬用安全性群組,是為了迅速大量傳送電子郵件和其他資訊而建立的收件者群組。然而,與萬用通訊群組不同,萬用安全性群組還可以用來指派權限。 在 Microsoft Exchange 中,只有具有安全性主體的 Active Directory 物件才可以用來授與公用資料夾或信箱資料夾的權限。然而,Microsoft Outlook 使用者可以使用萬用通訊群組來授與公用資料夾或信箱資料夾的權限。在此情況下,Microsoft Exchange 資訊儲存庫服務會將萬用通訊群組自動轉換為萬用安全性群組。這是 Exchange Server 2010 和 Exchange Server 2007 中的預設行為。 您可以修改這個行為,防止將萬用通訊群組自動轉換為萬用安全性群組。在 Active Directory 中,Exchange 組織物件的 msExchDisableUDGConversion 屬性是用來控制 Microsoft Exchange 資訊儲存庫服務如何回應萬用通訊群組與萬用安全性群組的轉換要求。下列是 msExchDisableUDGConversion 屬性的可接受值: 0    如果屬性設為 0 或未設定,則會在使用萬用通訊群組授與公用資料夾或信箱資料夾的權限時,將萬用通訊群組自動轉換為萬用安全性群組。 1    如果屬性設為 1,則 Outlook 無法要求轉換。然而,Exchange 系統處理程序仍然可以將萬用通訊群組轉換為萬用安全性群組。 2    如果屬性設為 2,則不會進行自動轉換。

E2003–2010 Cross-Forest Public Folder Part1 – IORepl

E2003 <—> E2010 SP1 – Use IORepl to replcate content of Public Folder (* without Permission) Inter-Organization Replication Tool (*****) This topic describes the Inter-Organization Replication tool , which was first released as part of Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 Service Pack 3 (SP3), with an updated version for Microsoft Exchange 2003. The tool is also compatible with Exchange Server 2007 and with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1). The Inter-Organization Replication tool is used to replicate free/busy information and public folder content between Exchange organizations. It enables the coordination of meetings, appointments, contacts, and public folder information between disjointed Exchange organizations. The tool consists of two programs: the Replication Configuration program (Exscfg.exe) and the Replication service (Exssrv.exe) . The Replication Configu...

ADMT CrossForest 2003-2010 Part4 – NEW-MoveRequest

    New-MoveRequest 1.  Create CSV   2. [PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Scripts> Import-Csv c:\Temp\import.csv | New-MoveRequest -RemoteLegacy -TargetDatabase "Mailbox Database 1563432160" -RemoteGlobalCatalog -RemoteCredential $Remote -TargetDeliveryDomain "" 3. Completed Move-Request

ADMT CrossForest 2003-2010 Part3 – Bulk Prepare-moverequest

Image Prepare-MoveReuqest to Append X.500 address on source and target Object. 1. $Local = Get-Credential 2. 3. Create Import.CSV   4. Run Prepare-MoveRequest.ps1 Import-Csv c:\Temp\Import.csv | .\Prepare-MoveRequest.ps1 -RemoteForestDomainController -RemoteForestCredential $Remote -LocalForestDomainController -LocalForestCredential $Local -TargetMailUserOu "ou=TEST_Import,DC=TEST,DC=com,DC=tw" –UseLocalObject E2003 E2010   ===================================== [PS] C:\> .\prepare-moverequest.ps1 identity "cn=admt.test2,ou=test,dc=js_domain,dc=TEST,dc=com,dc=tw" -RemoteForestDomainController -RemoteForestCredential $Remote -localForestDomainController -localforestcredential $Local -TargetMailUserOu "ou=TestOU,DC=TEST,DC=com,DC=tw" –U...