REF: E14 Outlook Provider


Exchange 2010 Set-OutlookProvider

The Set-OutlookProvider cmdlet creates the global settings for the Autodiscover service.
It sets the AutoDiscoverConfig object under theGlobal Settings object in Active Directory and sets the attributes specified in the parameters listed in the Parameters section.

The Autodiscover Service and Outlook Providers - how does this stuff work?

By default three Outlook Providers are used to configure settings individually for Exchange RPC protocol or internal clients (EXCH), Outlook Anywhere (EXPR) and WEB.

  • The EXCH setting references the Exchange RPC protocol that is used internally. This setting includes port settings and the internal URLs for the Exchange services that you have enabled.
  • The EXPR setting references the Exchange HTTP protocol that is used by Outlook Anywhere. This setting includes the external URLs for the Exchange services that you have enabled, which are used by clients that access Exchange from the Internet.
  • The WEB setting contains the best URL for Outlook Web Access for the user to use. This setting is not in use.

a. If the request is made by an Outlook Exchange RPC client, the EXCH provider will return the InternalUrl configured on the best CAS server for the following services: Availability Service, OAB virtual directory and Unified Messaging virtual directory.

b. If the request is made by an Outlook Anywhere Exchange HTTP client, the EXPR provider will return the External URL configured on the best CAS server for the same services: Availability Service, OAB virtual directory and Unified Messaging virtual directory and ExternalHostName for Outlook Anywhere.

Note: If the ExternalUrl is not set, the CAS will fail-back returning the InternalUrl.

When, if and how do you modify Outlook Providers?

Scenario 1: Multiple AD sites where both CAS servers are Internet-Facing and Outlook Anywhere is enabled. Each Client Access Server has its own certificate installed. The User1 mailbox is located on a Mailbox server on AD site 1, and User2 mailbox on a Mailbox server on AD site 2. Both Outlook clients are on the Internet, thus they will connect through Outlook Anywhere.

Note: Autodiscover is configured properly on the Internet as

When the User1 connect to server, the Autodiscover service will identify the request comes from an Outlook client and then will return both InternalURLs and ExternalURLs.

In this scenario we will explain the importance of not changing Outlook providers. As the parametersServer and CertPrincName are $null. The Service Discovery will return to the client the best CAS for Outlook Anywhere, in this case


Remember that the Outlook provider is a global setting in Active Directory. What would happen if you have modified the parameter Server to

Set-OutlookProvider EXPR -Server

This setting will force all Outlook Anywhere clients, User1 and User2 to connect to the same CAS no matter where the user mailbox is located, preventing the Service Discovery to provide the best CAS.

Another issue could result if you decided to change Outlook Anywhere ExternalHostName The setting on the EXPR Outlook provider set will prevent Outlook Anywhere to connect since the is not longer available.


Clean EXPR

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Set-OutlookProvider -Identity expr -CertPrincipalName $null -Server $null

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-OutlookProvider -Identity expr | fl

RunspaceId           : c392df9f-35db-4b37-9e44-181a96df4c52
CertPrincipalName    :
Server               :

TTL                  : 1
OutlookProviderFlags : None
AdminDisplayName     :
ExchangeVersion      : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)
Name                 : EXPR
DistinguishedName    : CN=EXPR,CN=Outlook,CN=AutoDiscover,CN=Client Access,CN=MSFT,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN
Identity             : EXPR
Guid                 : ecdbfb18-69a4-4275-8bec-c14e1b73045d
ObjectCategory       :
ObjectClass          : {top, msExchAutoDiscoverConfig}
WhenChanged          : 5/4/2012 10:05:49 AM
WhenCreated          : 3/11/2008 10:46:40 AM
WhenChangedUTC       : 5/4/2012 2:05:49 AM
WhenCreatedUTC       : 3/11/2008 2:46:40 AM
OrganizationId       :
OriginatingServer    :
IsValid              : True


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