E14: Exchange 2010 Database Portability Recovery
- Reference
- A offline DB that need to recover on new server
- Check DB state first
- Copy DB to a new server. Rename old folder, and create a new folder for the Database
- Create a database for recovery on new server
- Specific the DB path
- Mount DB
- Enable restore on this DB
- Dismount DB
- Remove new db & logs
- Remove .chk file
- Mount the database
After the database is mounted, modify the user account settings with the Set-Mailbox cmdlet so that the account points to the mailbox on the new mailbox server. To move all of the users from the old database to the new database, use the following syntax.
Get-Mailbox -Database <SourceDatabase> |where {$_.ObjectClass -NotMatch '(SystemAttendantMailbox|ExOleDbSystemMailbox)'}| Set-Mailbox -Database <TargetDatabase>
[PS] C:\>Get-Mailbox -Database BQT-ArchiveIn_201309_R |where {$_.ObjectClass -NotMatch '(SystemAttendantMailbox|ExOleDbSystemMailbox)'}| Set-Mailbox -Database BQT-ArchiveIn_201309_R2 - Open outlook to check mailbox is able to read.
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