LAB: E14 upgrading Part 2 – PrepareAD & Domain

1. Setup /PL (Root Domain)

  • To prepare legacy Exchange permissions in every domain in the forest that contains the Exchange Enterprise Servers and Exchange Domain Servers groups, run the following command.
    setup /PrepareLegacyExchangePermissions.or
    setup /pl

  • To prepare legacy Exchange permissions in a specific domain, run the following command.
    setup /PrepareLegacyExchangePermissions: < FQDN of domain you want to prepare > or setup /pl:<FQDN of domain you want to prepare>


    2. Setup /PS (setup /PrepareSchema) (Root Domain)

    3. Setup /P (setup /prepareAD) 

    4. Setup /PAD (Root Domain) 

  • Run setup /PrepareDomain or setup /pd to prepare the local domain. Note that you don't need to run this in the domain where you ran Step 3. Running setup /PrepareAD prepares the local domain.

  • Run setup /PrepareDomain:<FQDN of domain you want to prepare> to prepare a specific domain.

  • Run setup /PrepareAllDomains or setup /pad to prepare all domains in your organization.

    5. Setup /PD (Child Domain)
    from MS MVP Lusheng
    在root domain 上必須執行 setup /ps 、setup /p
    如果你在 root domain 上執行的 setup /pad,那sub domain 就不需要再去執行 setup /pd了。
    反之如果不是在root domain 上執行 setup /pad,那就必須在 root domain & sub domain 等每一個domain 去執行 setup /pd

    from MS MVP Jammy

    1. setup /PrepareLegacyExchangePermissions(當從Exchagne 2000/2003昇級時必須要執行)
    2. setup /PrepareSchema
    3. setup /PrepareAD
    4. 然後再視你的網域情況執行setup /PrepareDomain 或是setup /PrepareAllDomain
    5. 安裝Exchange 2007

    Blog Extended Reading

    More Information & Reference
    1. Installing Exchange 2010 in an Existing Exchange 2003 Organization
    2. Installing Exchange 2010 in an Existing Exchange 2007 Organization
    3. 請問關於部屬Exchange 2007到中大型組織的問題

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