REF: Exchange 2010 - Upgrading from Exchange 2003 Transport (Part2)


1. E2K3 使用 link state routing table
2. E14 則不使用,採HUB直接對連
3. HUB 直接對連不通時,Exchange HUB 會去參考
IP site link costs 來找尋最接近目的的site 來暫存郵件 ---> queue at point of failure
4. 這邊又再次提到,抑制連結狀態更新 的重要,避免E2K3重新計算Routing 及不斷重送 (意思就是說,現在最低成本的路由不通,先queue 信等路由通了再重送吧,不要重新計算路由到處重送)
5. 最後一段的意思還要再了解

Link State Updates in a Coexistence Environment

When connecting the Exchange 2010 routing group to the Exchange Server 2003 organization, you must consider the behavior of link state routing. Exchange Server 2003 servers maintain a link state routing table that is updated through communication with the Routing Group master. Each connector that has been created between Exchange Server 2003 routing groups is considered a link. Exchange Server 2003 servers determine how a message is routed inside the organization by using the cost that is assigned to these links. If a particular routing group is inaccessible by using the lowest cost route, the link state table is updated by the routing group master to show the state of that link as down. This data is communicated to every routing group in the Exchange organization. When the data is received, the link state table is updated, and another route is calculated.

Link state routing is not used by Exchange 2010 Hub Transport servers. Exchange 2010 can't propagate link state updates, and it does not recalculate routes.

<1> Hub Transport servers always try to communicate directly with other Hub Transport servers.

When a connection to a site is unavailable,

<2> Exchange 2010 uses the IP site link costs that are associated with Active Directory sites to determine the closest site at which to queue the message.

This behavior is known as queue at point of failure. The message queue that is generated at the point of failure is put in a retry state.

If multiple paths exist between the Exchange 2010 routing group and any Exchange Server 2003 routing group, minor link state updates must be suppressed to make sure that message looping does not occur when a route is recalculated. We recommend that minor link state updates be suppressed for each server in the Exchange Server 2003 organization. When link state updates are suppressed, Exchange Server 2003 servers also queue at point of failure, instead of recalculating the route.

Configuration changes, such as the addition of connectors, are still communicated between Exchange Server 2003 servers by using link state. However, to ensure that major links state updates continue to occur, you must make sure that the Exchange 2010 routing group is not the only communication path between Exchange 2003 routing groups. For more information about how to suppress link state updates, see Suppress Link State Updates.


Blog Extended Reading

1. REF: Exchange 2010 - Upgrading from Exchange 2003 Transport (Part1)
2. REF: Exchange 2010 - Upgrading from Exchange 2003 Transport (Part3)


More Information & Reference

1. Upgrading from Exchange 2003 Transport
2. EdgeSync and Send Connectors



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