REF: Exchange 2010 - 與多個E2K3 routing group 的連接方式
1. 重點就是不要用Exchange 2003 的管理介面來建立E14 & E2K3 間的RGC
2. 使用 New-RoutingGroupConnector 來建立RGC
3. 先去了解 抑制連結狀態更新
**(多個E2K3 routing group 與E14 的連接方式)
If your existing Exchange environment includes more than one routing group, you may want to create additional connection points between Exchange 2003 and Exchange 2010 to optimize mail flow. To create additional connection points, you follow these steps:
- Determine how you will upgrade the organization to Exchange 2010. The order in which you decommission routing groups will determine which Exchange 2003 routing groups should connect directly with Exchange 2010.
- **Modify the registry to suppress minor link state updates on all the Exchange 2003 servers. This configuration change prevents connector state messages from being relayed throughout the organization by using link state updates, but does not prevent configuration change messages from being relayed. For more information, see Suppress Link State Updates. (要去看一下那篇)
- Use the New-RoutingGroupConnector cmdlet in the Exchange Management Shell to create all routing group connectors that specify Exchange 2010 Hub Transport servers as source or target servers. Configure a routing group connector from the Exchange Routing Group (DWBGZMFD01QNBJR) to each Exchange Server 2003 routing group with which Exchange 2010 will communicate directly, and configure the corresponding reciprocal routing group connectors. You can use the Bidirectional parameter with the New-RoutingGroupConnector cmdlet to create both connectors in a single operation. These connectors will enable mail flow between Exchange Server 2003 and Exchange 2010.
When you use the New-RoutingGroupConnector cmdlet, the specified legacy Exchange servers are automatically added to the membership of the ExchangeLegacyInterop universal security group and the permissions that are required to allow a legacy Exchange server to send mail to and receive mail from an Exchange 2010 Hub Transport server are automatically granted. If you use Exchange System Manager to create a routing group connector between the Exchange 2010 routing group and any Exchange 2003 routing group, this group membership is not updated and the connector will not work correctly. Therefore, always use the Shell to create or update routing group connectors between Exchange 2010 and Exchange 2003. |
Blog Extended Reading
1. Exchange 2010 – Suppress Link State Updates
2. Exchange 2010 - Upgrading from Exchange 2003 Transport
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