Issue: Exchange 2007 內部傳輸憑證已過期 - 自簽憑證過期


所有的新安裝Exchange 2007 & 2010 都會遇到的自簽憑證問題, 且可能每年都會遇到一次, 除非改為內部CA, 且內部CA 到期期限還得先延長, 其中以有起EdgeSync 的架構更新憑證會更麻煩



Event Type:    Warning
Event Source:    MSExchangeTransport
Event Category:    TransportService
Event ID:    12015
Date:        10/1/2009
Time:        9:00:57 AM
User:        N/A
Computer:    mail-hub1

An internal transport certificate expired. Thumbprint:B727A44820E85C4D9A205DAA5316D81C2C3049ED

Event Type:    Error
Event Source:    MSExchangeTransport
Event Category:    TransportService
Event ID:    12014
Date:        10/1/2009
Time:        8:55:25 AM
User:        N/A
Computer:    mail-hub1
Microsoft Exchange could not find a certificate that contains the domain name in the personal store on the local computer. Therefore, it is unable to support the STARTTLS SMTP verb for the connector 組織內的 SMTP 傳送連接器 with a FQDN parameter of If the connector's FQDN is not specified, the computer's FQDN is used. Verify the connector configuration and the installed certificates to make sure that there is a certificate with a domain name for that FQDN. If this certificate exists, run Enable-ExchangeCertificate -Services SMTP to make sure that the Microsoft Exchange Transport service has access to the certificate key.

<PS> Get-ExchangeCertificate

AccessRules        : {System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyAccessRule, System
                     .Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyAccessRule, System.Securi
CertificateDomains : {mail-hub1,}
HasPrivateKey      : True
IsSelfSigned       : True
Issuer             : CN=mail-hub1
NotAfter           : 2008/12/13 下午 02:01:11
NotBefore          : 2007/12/13 下午 02:01:11
PublicKeySize      : 2048
RootCAType         : Unknown
SerialNumber       : E0FFE360B2D08B8C404462098EC6A444
Services           : SMTP
Status             : Invalid
Subject            : CN=mail-hub1
Thumbprint         : B727A44820E85C4D9A205DAA5316D81C2C3049ED



若要解決此警告,您必須在傳回此警告事件的電腦使用 New-ExchangeCertificate 指令程式建立新的內部傳輸憑證 (也稱為直接信任憑證)。執行不含引數的 New-ExchangeCertificate 指令程式可針對直接信任建立啟用簡易郵件傳送通訊協定 (SMTP) 的憑證。如需相關資訊,請參閱 New-ExchangeCertificate

如果是在 Hub Transport Server 上發生此警告,您必須在發生警告的 Hub Transport Server 上建立內部傳輸憑證。建立此憑證之後,請重新啟動 Microsoft Exchange EdgeSync 服務以更新訂閱至組織之 Edge Transport Server 上的憑證資訊。


AccessRules        : {System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyAccessRule, System
                     .Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyAccessRule, System.Securi
CertificateDomains : {bqt-mb07,}
HasPrivateKey      : True
IsSelfSigned       : True
Issuer             : CN=bqt-mb07
NotAfter           : 11/5/2014 2:44:48 PM
NotBefore          : 11/5/2009 2:44:48 PM

PublicKeySize      : 2048
RootCAType         : None
SerialNumber       : 4E008E269F4AC0AD42DB9BE030AA5A2A
Services           : SMTP
Status             : Valid
Subject            : CN=bqt-mb07
Thumbprint         : E206BCE8D287B7C1FFBA6E4A47B413E605BD651E

AccessRules        : {System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyAccessRule, System
                     .Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyAccessRule, System.Securi
CertificateDomains : {}
HasPrivateKey      : True
IsSelfSigned       : False
Issuer             : CN=msft_CA, DC=corp, DC=com
NotAfter           : 3/20/2011 10:47:55 AM
NotBefore          : 3/20/2009 10:47:55 AM
PublicKeySize      : 2048
RootCAType         : Enterprise
SerialNumber       : 1105A15B00000000004D
Services           : SMTP
Status             : Valid
Subject            :, O=msft, DC=msft, DC=corp, DC=co
Thumbprint         : 886A5487F061430A3D2D132B3790A58121D994BE

Renew SelfSigned certificate for EdgeSync

如果是在 Edge Transport Server 發生此警告,您必須在發生警告的 Edge Transport Server 建立內部傳輸憑證。建立憑證之後,請將 Edge Transport Server 重新訂閱至 Exchange 組織,以更新 Active Directory 中的憑證資訊

From your edge server:
1. 產生新的自簽憑證
New-exchangecertificate –service SMTP

2. Remove-EdgeSubscription
Remove-EdgeSubscription 指令程式會移除 Edge 訂閱。移除 Edge 訂閱後,會停止 Active Directory 目錄服務之資訊與 Active Directory 應用程式模式 (ADAM) 的同步處理。會移除儲存在 ADAM 中的所有帳戶,而且會從所有傳送連接器的來源伺服器清單中移除 Edge Transport Server。

Remove-EdgeSubscription -Identity EdgeServerName -DomainController

3. 產生新的 Edge 訂閱檔
New-EdgeSubscription -FileName "C:\EdgeSubscriptionInfo.xml"
將 Edge 訂閱檔案複製到要匯入 Edge 訂閱檔案的 Hub Transport Server

From your Hub Transport server:
4. Open Exchange Management Console and go to ”Organization Configuration > Hub Transport > Edge Subscription”
5. Remove the current edge subscription
6. Click New Edge Subscription (right hand task menu)
7. Import the xml file you copied.

From your edge server:
8. Restart Microsoft Exchange ADAM service

From your hub transport server:
9. Open the exchange powershell and perform the following commands:
10. start-edgesynchronization


Blog Extended Reading

More Information & Reference

1. 內部傳輸憑證已過期
2. Internal transport certificate has expired – Exchange 2007



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